Infant Industry A new or developing domestic industry whose costs of production are higher than those of established firms in…
Indirect Tax A tax that can be shifted to others, such as business property taxes.
Independent Contractor Performs services for others. The recipients of the services do not control the means or methods the independent…
Income Taxes Taxes on income, both earned (salaries, wages, tips, commissions) and unearned (interest, dividends). Income taxes can be levied…
Horizontal Equity The concept that people in the same income group should be taxed at the same rate. "Equals should…
Head of Household Filing Status You must meet the following requirements: 1. You are unmarried or considered unmarried on the…
Gross Income Money, goods, services, and property a person receives that must be reported on a tax return. Includes unemployment…
Gasoline Excise Tax An excise tax paid by consumers when they purchase gasoline. The tax covers the manufacture, sale, and…
Foster Child A foster child is any child placed with a taxpayer by an authorized placement agency or by court…