Luxury Tax

Luxury Tax A tax paid on expensive goods and services considered by the government to be nonessential.

4 years ago

Long-Distance Telephone Tax Refund

Long-Distance Telephone Tax Refund Taxpayers are eligible to file for refunds of all excise tax they have paid on long-distance…

4 years ago


Lobbyist A person who represents the concerns or special interests of a particular group or organization in meetings with lawmakers.…

4 years ago

IRS e-file

IRS e-file Refers to the preparation and transmission of tax return information to the IRS using telephone lines or a…

4 years ago

Investment Income

Investment Income Includes taxable and tax-exempt interest, dividends, capital gains net income, certain rent and royalty income, and net passive…

4 years ago

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) The federal agency that collects income taxes in the United States.

4 years ago

Intermediate Service Provider

Intermediate Service Provider Assists in processing tax return information between the ERO (or the taxpayer, in the case of online…

4 years ago

Interest Income

Interest Income The income a person receives from certain bank accounts or from lending money to someone else.

4 years ago


Interest The charge for the use of borrowed money.

4 years ago

Informal Tax Legislation Process

Informal Tax Legislation Process Individuals and interest groups expressing and promoting their opinions about tax legislation.

4 years ago