Annual Staffing and Resource Management Simulator (ASRMS) A computer program that balances and tracks work load and workhours by accounting…
Annual Report A document that presents by fiscal year financial data with statements of operations, balance sheets, and statements of…
Annual Performance Report A document that publishes USPS results against its major annual corporate targets for the year. All federal…
Annual Performance Plan A concise list of corporate targets for the coming year. All federal agencies, including USPS, are required…
Annual Compliance Report, ACR A report submitted by USPS to the Postal Regulatory Commission under the Postal Act of 2006…
Annual Compliance Determination (ACD) A report issued by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) in response to the Annual Compliance Report…
Annex A subsidiary building separate from a parent network mail processing facility or delivery unit (called carrier annex) that supports…
ANK Link An enhancement to NCOALink software that allows authorized licenses to acquire 30 months of limited change-of-address data beyond…
Ancillary Service Endorsement A specified marking (wording) on the address side of a mailpiece added by a mailer to request…
Ancillary Service (1) Formally, an optional Special Service purchased for a fee in addition to the postage applicable to the…