Automated Package Processing System (APPS) An automated parcel and bundle sorting system that uses a carousel-type cross belt sorter subsystem…
Automated Flats Sorting Machine 100 (AFSM 100) A fully automated machine that processes flatsize mail. The machine receives mail via…
Automated Flats Sorting Machine Auto Induction (AFSM AI) A system on the Automated Flats Sorting Machine (AFSM) 100 that automates…
Automated Enrollment System (AES) A computer-based training enrollment network with links between the Technical Training Center in Norman, OK, and…
Automated Business Mail Processing System (ABMPS) A system that translates the address on a customer’s Business Reply Mail piece into…
Automated Area Distribution Center Price (AADC Price) (1) A price category available for some presorted mail prepared at the AADC…
Fautomated Area Distribution Center (AADC) An automated mail processing facility that receives and distributes mail destined for specific ZIP Code…
AUTO A price-specific marking that is combined with the required basic class or product marking to indicate eligibility for an…
Authorized Pouch A mailbag scheduled to be prepared for dispatch regularly.
Attributable Cost Direct and indirect USPS costs that can be clearly associated with a particular mail product. It is the…