What is an ICR? An Information Collection Request (ICR) is a set of documents that describes reporting, record keeping, survey,…
[104th Congress Public Law 13] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office] <DOC> [DOCID: f:publ13.104] [[Page 109 STAT. 163]] Public Law…
Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) supports planning and decision-making through documentation and information that provides an abstracted view of an enterprise…
The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA, pronounced "oh-eye-ruh") is a Federal office that Congress established in the 1980…
An OMB Control No or sometimes just OMB Number is a document reference number created and managed by the United…
Based on the status of your information collection and whether the collection is changing substantially from any previous OMB approvals,…
Automatic Tray Unsleever (ATU) A self-contained unit similar in size to the Automatic Tray Sleever that receives letter trays from…
Automatic Tray Sleever (ATS) A self-contained unit with 10 detachable sleeve carts that places sleeves over trays of letters to…
Automatic Tray Handling System (ATHS) An enhancement to the Automated Flats Sorting Machine 100 (AFSM 100) that improves productivity by…
Automatic Teller Machine Sheetlet (ATM Sheetlet) A pane of self-adhesive stamps on a liner (backing) that is the same size…