Vessel Service – Marine Vessel Definitions

You may search for a vessel by selecting its service type. This includes a range from commercial to recreational, and…

5 years ago

Classification Society – Marine Vessel Definitions

You may search for a vessel by selecting the classification society (Contact Search Only). A classification society is a non-governmental organization…

5 years ago

Vessel Flag – Marine Vessel Definitions

You may search for a vessel by selecting the flag (ensign) the vessel flies. Most are based on the traditional…

5 years ago

Vessel Call Sign – Marine Vessel Definitions

You may search for a vessel by entering its Call Sign. Vessel Call Signs can be any combination of letters…

5 years ago

Hull Identification Number (HIN)- Marine Vessel Definitions

You may search for a vessel by entering its Hull Identification Number. A Hull Number is a unique identifier for…

5 years ago

Vessel Identification Number- Marine Vessel Definitions

You may search for a vessel by entering its Vessel Number. Vessel Numbers are 6 to 8 characters long and…

5 years ago

Vessel Name- Marine Vessel Definitions

You may search for a vessel by entering all or part of the vessel's name. The system will search for…

5 years ago

Who will be members of the ROC, COU, and LOU?

The recommendations provide high-level guidance concerning membership on the Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC). Regulatory authorities should indicate interest in serving…

5 years ago

The FSB report calls for the COU to be founded as a not-for-profit foundation, or equivalent structure. Will the global LEI system be run by this foundation?

The FSB’s recommendations for the LEI call for forming the Central Operating Unit (COU) as a not-for-profit foundation, or a…

5 years ago

How were members appointed to the IG’s industry advisory group, the “LEI Private Sector Preparatory Group”?

The formation of the LEI Private Sector Preparatory Group (PSPG) drew upon the experience from the FSB LEI Industry Advisory…

5 years ago