Axis-domain relationship

The dimensional relationship indicating that the table axis has members drawn from a domain.

5 years ago

Axis-default relationship

The dimensional relationship indicating that the table axis has a default domain member. In the XBRL US GAAP Taxonomies 1.0,…

5 years ago

Axis (pl. axes)

An instance document contains facts; an axis differentiates facts and each axis represents a way that the facts may be…

5 years ago

Authoritative reference

Citations to specific authoritative accounting literature (pronouncements, standards, rules, and regulations) derived from various authoritative sources (Securities and Exchange Commission,…

5 years ago


A property of an element such as its name, balance, data type, and whether the element is abstract. Attributes of…

5 years ago


An attribute of an element to indicate that the element is only used in a hierarchy to group related elements…

5 years ago

Out of Service – Marine Vessel Definitions

"Out of Service" is related to vessel status. If a vessel is operating in any capacity (whether it has a…

5 years ago

Wildcard Characters – Marine Vessel Definitions

Wildcard characters are automatically added to all text based searches. However, if you wish to further refine your search you…

5 years ago

Multiple Criteria – Marine Vessel Definitions

You may search for a vessel by entering any known attributes. Simply enter as many fields as are known and…

5 years ago

Build Year – Marine Vessel Definitions

You may search for a vessel by entering the year it was built. Although you can search using only this…

5 years ago