
An element that organizes a set of axes and a set of line items to indicate that each fact of…

5 years ago

Standard label

The default label for an element. An extension may override the standard label.

5 years ago

Sign value

Denotes whether a numeric fact in an instance has a positive (+) or negative (-) value

5 years ago


Tag that allows additional information to be included in the context of an instance document; this information captures segment information…

5 years ago


Technical term for an element declaration file.

5 years ago


Tag that allows for additional information to be associated with facts in an instance document; this information encompasses in particular…

5 years ago


A process that automatically scales numeric data by value, thus saving time of entering zeros during the entry or creation…

5 years ago

Render or rendering

To process an instance document into a layout that facilitates readability and understanding of its contents.

5 years ago

Presentation relationships

Relationships that arrange elements allowing them to navigate the taxonomy content in parent-child tree structures (hierarchies).

5 years ago

Prefix or namespace prefix

A shorthand sequence of letters for a namespace; "us-gaap," for example, is a common prefix for the namespace

5 years ago